Sunday, January 13, 2008

January 30, 2005 - Iraq's 1st Election

Three years have passed now since I was with the 1st CAV in Baghdad. It's time for me to share the story of Iraq's first free election, a story that wasn't told loud enough, a story that has been forgotten already, and a story that needs to be recorded for history. I have gathered some slides from unclassified briefings. By waiting three years and filtering out the pictures of individual faces I believe it is now safe enough to share.

On January 30th, 2005 Iraq held their first election. Of the 14 million eligible voters, 8,550,571 Iraqis voted - a 58 % voter turn out. (a higher voter turnout than then United States has)

This is a slideshow you can play inside this post or open larger in another window by clicking here. Click the arrow to play.

To read more about that historical date see wikipedia's entry on Iraqi legislative election, January 2005

This slideshow is dedicated to the Gold Star Families in Michigan

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